C2RSS helps a user monitor information streams (e.g., RSS feeds) by identifying documents that are of potential interest to that user. The system automatically sorts information by topic and relevance, leveraging user feedback to refine suggestions.
Learning Applications
CALO Express
CALO Express (CE) is a lightweight personal desktop assistant that uses learning technology to identify relevant information on the workstation. CE finds and organizes information in email, on a workstation, and on shared drives, to quickly assemble new presentations and to prepare for meetings by gathering relevant information. CE provides a plug-in architecture to easily … Read more
Contact Management (DEX)
Contact Management (DEX) is a server-based utility that, given a person’s email address and learned models of users’ home pages, crawls the Web to find contact information such as addresses, phone numbers, and expertise keywords. API Documentation Contact Management web UI Download Package Java Client Coding Example Licensing Info References Overview Contact Management (also known … Read more
Form Online Analyzer and Manager (FOAM)
Form Online Analyzer and Manager (FOAM) presents ranked suggestions for completing web-based forms based on cross-field models learned from previous form-filling episodes. This contextualized learning enables more accurate suggestions for forms with dependencies among fields. If you use FOAM, it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws. Failure to … Read more
iLink is a social networking component for building a dynamic topic model for each user that is used by the recommendation engine to suggest related people, or information artifacts. iLink’s FAQtory allows a community to ask and answer questions and to build a FAQ repository. Overview Social networks and online communities have become ubiquitous forums … Read more
Meeting Assistant
Meeting Assistant (MA) is designed to help a user in meeting environments. It is focused on the collection of speech in meeting with basic natural language discourse and dialog understanding. Outputs from this component can be integrated with other delivered systems and research efforts to perform efforts such as: (1) indexing the meeting speech for … Read more
PrepPak finds relevant and related objects for a target object. A typical example is finding emails, documents, and contacts that are relevant to a given meeting. PrepPak supports feature extraction for the target object, algorithms to rank objects returned by their relevance, and a mechanism to refine those suggestions based on user feedback. Overview PrepPak … Read more
Probabilistic Consistency Engine (PCE)
Probabilistic Consistency Engine (PCE) combines possibly conflicting evidence from a collection of data sources into a most probable hypothesis consistent with evidence. PCE takes as input a collection of facts and weighted rules and generates the marginal probabilities of individual atoms and formulas, using mechanisms based on Markov Logic Networks. A new development version of … Read more
Task Assistant (TA)
Task Assistant (TA) is a collaborative task management application that gives users the capability to author, edit, retrieve, share, and monitor task lists within a team. In this way, Task Assistant makes checklists or standard operating procedures into live, dynamic entities that can evolve and adapt over time. Task Assistant User’s Guide Task Assistant Server … Read more
Task Learning (Adept)
The PAL Task Learning component Adept enables parameterized tasks to be learned from demonstrated examples, modified by the user, and subsequently executed to perform related tasks. In this way, Adept can enable end-user automation of routine or time-consuming tasks, thus freeing user time to focus on more cognitively demanding activities. Adept User Guide Adept Installation … Read more
Time Manager (Emma)
Time Manager (Emma) is a personalized calendar management assistant that handles email meeting requests, reserves venues, and schedules events. It learns user preferences unobtrusively over time by observing user decisions with respect to scheduling options. The system interfaces with commercial enterprise calendaring platforms and operates seamlessly with users who do not have Time Manager. Time … Read more
Workflow Activity Recognition and Proactive Asistantance (WARP)
The Workflow Activity Recognition and Proactive Assistance (WARP) system provides the capability to recognize user intent by matching observations of user actions to predefined models of workflows. WARP employs Logical Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to support the recognition and tracking of hierarchical, interleaved workflows in domains that may involve hundreds to thousands of objects. WARP … Read more