- Leveraging Social Networking Sites to Acquire Rich Task Structure, Gil, Y., Groth, P. and Ratnakar, V., Proceedings of the IJCAI 2009 Workshop on User-Contributed Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence: An Evolving Synergy (WikiAI09), held in conjunction with the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), Pasadena, CA, July, 2009
- Extracting decisions from multi-party dialogue using directed graphical models and semantic similarity, Bui, T., Frampton, M., Dowding, J., and Peters, S., Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2009 Conference, London, September 2009
- Cascaded Lexicalised Classifiers for Second-Person Reference Resolution, Purver, M., Fernandez, R., Frampton, M. and Peters, S., Proceedings of SIGDIAL 2009 Conference, London, September 2009
- Learning by Demonstration to Support Military Planning and Decision Making, Garvey, T., Gervasio, M., Lee, T., Myers, K., Angiolillo, C., Gaston, M., Knittel, J. and Kolojejchick, J., Proceedings of the Twenty-first Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-09), AAAI Press, July 2009.
- From Geek to Sleek: Integrating Task Learning Tools to Support End Users in Real-World Applications, Spaulding, A., Blythe, J., Haines, W., and Gervasio, M., Proc. IUI 2009, ACM Press (2009)
- What Were You Thinking? Filling in Missing Dataflow Through Inference in Learning from Demonstration, Gervasio, M. and Murdock, J., Proc. IUI 2009, ACM Press (2009)
- Iteration Learning by Demonstration, Eker, S., Lee, T., and Gervasio, M., 2009 AAAI Spring Symposium on Agents that Learn from Human Teachers (Technical Report SS-09-01), AAAI Press (2009)
- Instance Data Evaluation for Semantic Web-Based Knowledge Management Systems, J. Tao, L. Ding, J. Bao, D. McGuinness, January 2009
- Detecting and correcting user activity switches: algorithms and interfaces, J. Shen, J. Irvine, X. Bao, M. Goodman, S. Kolibaba, A. Tran, F. Carl, B. Kirschner, S. Stumpf, T. Dietterich, February 2009
- Discovering frequent work procedures from resource connections, J. Shen, E. Fitzhenry, T. Dietterich, February 2009
- Strategies for Explaining Conflicts in Task Processing Systems, A. Glass, M. Wolverton, D. McGuinness, March 2009
- Prediction and Discovery of Users’ Desktop Behavior, O. Madani, H. Bui, E. Yeh, March 2009
- Who is You? Combining Linguistic and Gaze Features to Resolve Second-Person references in Dialog, M. Frampton, R. Fernandez, P. Ehlen, M, Christoudias, T. Darrell, S. Peters, March 2009
- The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK’08), Castillo, L., Cortellessa, G., and Yorke-Smith, N., AI Magazine 30(1), 119-120, Spring 2009.
- Towards Automatic Argument Diagramming of Multi-Party Meetings, D. Hakkani-Tur, April 2009
- A Global Optimization Framework for Meeting Summarization, D. Gillick, K. Riedhammer, B. Favre, D. Hakkani-Tur, April 2009
- Exploiting User Feedback for Language Model Adaptation in Meeting Recognition, D. Vergyri, A. Stolcke, G. Tur, April 2009
- Co-Adaptation: Adaptive Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Learning, Gokhan Tur, April 2009
- Going Beyond PBD: A Play-by-Play and Mixed initiative Approach, H. Jung, J. Allen, W. de Beaumont, N. Blaylock, G. Ferguson, L. Galescu, M. Swift, April 2009
- A Family of Large Margin Linear Classifiers and Its Application in Dynamic Environments, J. Shen, T. Dietterich, April 2009
- Like an Intuitive and Courteous Butler: A Proactive Personal Agent for Task Management, Yorke-Smith, N., Saadati, S., Myers, K. and Morley, D., Proceedings of AAMAS’09, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
- Efficient Duration and Hierarchical Modeling for Human Activity Recognition, D. Phung, T. Duong, H. Bui, S. Venkatesh. May 2009
- Mixed-Initiative Negotiation: Facilitating Useful Interaction Between Agent/Owner Pairs, Berry, P., Donneau-Golencer, T., Gervasio, M., Peintner, B. and Yorke-Smith, N. Proceedings of AAMAS’09 Workshop on Mixed-Initiative Multiagent Systems, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
- Task Assistant: Personalized Task Management for Military Environments, Peintner, B. and Dinger, J. and Rodriguez, A. and Myers, K. Twenty-first Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-09) , 2009
- A Continuous-Time Probabilistic Programming Language, Avi Pfeffer IJCAI-09 accepted paper, July 2009
- Efficient Online Learning and Prediction of Users’ Desktop Commands, O. Madani, H. Bui, E. Yeh July 2009
- Evaluating User-Adaptive Systems: Lessons from Experiences with a Personalized Meeting Scheduling Assistant, P. Berry, T. Donneau-Golencer, K. Duong, M. Gervasio, B. Peintner, N. Yorke-Smith July 2009
- Discovering and Learning Semantic Models of Online Sources for Information Integration, J.L. Ambite, B. Gazen, C. Knoblock, K. Lerman, T. Russ, July 2009
- Multi-Format Notifications for Multi-Tasking, Julie Weber, Mark Newman, Martha Pollack Aug 2009
- FACTORIE: Efficient Probabilistic Programming for Relational Factor Graphs via imperative Declarations of Structure, Inference and Learning, Andrew McCallum, Khashayar Rohanemanesh, Michael Wick, Karl Schultz, Sameer Singh Dec 2009
- Multi-Agent Filtering with Infinitely Nested Beliefs, Luke Zettlemoyer, Brian Milch, Leslie Kaelbling Dec 2009