- An experts approach to strategy selection in multiagent meeting scheduling, Elisabeth Crawford, Manuela Veloso, in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol 15, no 1, issn 1387-2532, pp 5-28, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, USA.
- An evaluation of adaptive filtering in the context of realistic task-based information exploration, Daqing He, Peter Brusilovsky, Jaewook Ahn, Jonathan grady, Rosta Farzan, Yefei Peng, Yiming Yang, Monica Rogati, in Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2007.
- The RADAR Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance, David Garlan and Bradley Schmerl, in International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 17(2), April 2007.
- Context Based Word Prediction for Texting Language, Sachin Agarwal, Shilpa Arora, 8th RIAO Conference on Large Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound), Pittsburgh, USA, May 2007.
- Parameterized Kernels for Support Vector Machine classification, F. De la Torre, O. Vinayls, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Press, Minneapolis, MN, June 2007.
- Learning Kernel Expansions for Image Classification, F. De La Torre, O. Vinayls, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Press, Minneapolis, MN, June 2007.
- Dual Strategy Active Learning, P. Donmez, J. Carbonell, P. Bennett, in Proceedings of the European Conference in Machine Learning (ECML), 2007.
- Learning to Detect Phishing Emails, Ian Fette, Norman Sadeh, Anthony Tomasic, in Proceedings of the 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2007.
- Selecting Sampling Strategies to Conserve Power in Computer Systems, B. French, D. Siewiorek, A. Smailagic, M. Deisher, International IEEE Symposium on Wearable Computers, IEEE Computers Society Press, Boston, MA, Oct 2007.
- Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning as a Generative Model, J. He, J. Carbonell, Y. Liu, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07). Hyderabad, India. 2007.
- Nearest-Neighbor Based Active Learning for Rare Category Detection, J. He and J. Carbonell, in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing (NIPS-2007), Vancouver, Canada. 2007.
- Summarizing Non-textual Events with a ‘Briefing’ Focus, M. Kumar, D. Das, A. I. Rudnicky, Recherche d’Information Assistée par Ordinateur (RIAO), May 30-Jun 1, 2007, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Learning from Report-writing Behavior of Individuals, M. Kumar, N. Garera, A. I. Rudnicky, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Jan 6-12, 2007, Hyderabad, India.
- Generalizing from Relevance Feedback using Named Entity Wildcards, A. Lad, Y. Yang, ACM Sixteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2007).
- Knowledge-Driven Learning and Discovery, Benjamin Lambert, Scott E. Fahlman, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vancouver, British Columbia, 2007 .
- Cluster-Based Selection of Statistical Answering Strategies, L. Lita, J. Carbonell, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07). Hyderabad, India. 2007.
- KLEM: A Method for Predicting User Interaction Time and System Energy Consumption during Application Design, A. Luo, D. Siewiorek, International IEEE Symposium on Wearable Computers, IEEE Computers Society Press, Boston, MA, Oct 2007.
- Invalidation Clues for Database Scalability Services, Amit Manjhi, Phillip B. Gibbons, Anastassia Ailamaki, Charles Garrod, Bruce M. Maggs, Todd C. Mowry, Christopher Olston, Anthony Tomasic, Haifeng Yu, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2007.
- Learning Information Intent via Observation, Anthony Tomasic, Isaac Simmons, John Zimmerman, Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2007.
- User Constructed Data Integration via Mixed Initiative Design, Anthony Tomasic, John Zimmerman, Ian Hargraves, Roderick McMullen, Proceedings of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence, Spring Symposium Series (AAAI SSS), 2007.
- Language-Independent Set Expansion of Named Entities using the Web, Richard C. Wang and William W. Cohen, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2007), Omaha, NE, USA. 2007.
- Utility-based information distillation over temporally sequenced documents, Y. Yang, A. Lad, N. Lao, A. Harpale, B. Kisiel, M. Rogati, Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2007).
- VIO: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks, John Zimmerman, Anthony Tomasic, Isaac Simmons, Ian Hargraves, Ken Mohnkern, Jason Cornwell, Robert Martin McGuire, Proceedings of the Conference on Computer/Human Interaction (CHI), 2007.
- Survey measures for evaluation of cognitive assistants, A. Steinfeld, P.-A. Quinones, J. Zimmerman, S. R. Bennett, S. R., D. Siewiorek, Proc. NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS). 2007.
- Evaluation of an Integrated Multi-Task Machine Learning System with Humans in the Loop, A. Steinfeld, S. R. Bennett, K. Cunningham, M. Lahut, P.-A. Quinones, D. Wexler, D. Siewiorek, J. Hayes, P. Cohen, J. Fitzgerald, O. Hansson, M. Pool, M. Drummond, Proc. NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS). 2007.
- CMU-AT: Semantic Distance and Background Knowledge for Identifying Semantic Relations, Alicia Tribble, Scott E. Fahlman, Proceedings of SemEval-2007: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations.Prague, Czech Republic. 2007.
- Extracting Procedures From Text, Engin Cinar Sahin, poster, Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, October 2007, Whistler, British Columbia.
- Task Interruptibility Analysis, A. Smailagic, D. Siewiorek, F. De la Torre, P. Pradhan, A. Shah, J. Vigar, Technical Report, Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA., 2007.
- A System for Recommending Briefing Drafts from Non-textual Events, M. Kumar, D. Das, A. I. Rudnicky, ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Feb 11-12, 2008, Stanford, USA.
- Automatic Extraction of Briefing Templates, D. Das, M. Kumar, A. I. Rudnicky, International Joint Conference on NLP (IJCLP), Jan 7-12, 2008, Hyderabad, India.
- Identifying Real or Fake Articles: Towards better Language Modeling, Sameer Badaskar, Sachin Agarwal, Shilpa Arora, The Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2008), Hyderabad, India.